Eating Out - Lesson 2 - Exercises:

Comida en un Restaurante

(Eating in a Restaurant)

(photo by  marcp_dmoz used under terms of Creative Commons license.)
Taberna Real - Madrid


Exercise 1          Exercise 2           Exercise 3         Exercise 4          Exercise 5        

Exercise 6          Exercise 7           Exercise 8          Exercise 9          Exercise 10      
Exercise 11        Exercise 12        Exercise 13        Exercise 14      


 Exercise 1 : Repetition


salad of shrimp and cooked vegetables with mayonaise

tortilla de patatas

potato omelette

sopa de pescado

fish soup

sopa de fideos

noodle soup

caldo de gallina

chicken broth


gazpacho *

*Gazpacho - a cold soup made with white bread crumbs, tomatoes, garlic, vinegar, oil and water; often garnished with green peppers, onion, cucumber or parsley.



I would like


He would like

She would like

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 Exercise 2 : Say in Spanish

1. For me, ensaladilla.

2. Bring us noodle soup.

3. Gazpacho for the lady and potato omelette for me.

4. I would like fish soup.

5. The lady would like chicken broth.

Key to Exercise 2


 Exercise 3 : Repetition

pescado frito

fried fish

merluza frita

fried hake

callos a la madrileña

tripe, Madrid style

bacalao a la vizcaína

salted dry cod, Bilbao style


paella *

lenguado frito

fried sole

pimientos rellenos

stuffed peppers

chuletas de cerdo


pollo en cacerola

stewed chicken, sometimes with vegetables



filete a la plancha

grilled steak

*Paella is a Valencian rice dish with meat, chicken, fish or seafood and vegetables.


¿Cómo quiere  el filete?

(How do you want your steak)

Casi crudo. (rare)

Medio asado. (medium rare)

Bien asado. (well done)

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 Exercise 4 : Say in Spanish

1. Bring me fried hake.

2. Bring us pork chops.

3. Fried sole for the lady.

4. For me, paella.

5. Bring me dried cod, Bilbao style.

6. Bring us two veal steaks, well done.

7. I would like stuffed peppers.

8. Bring me a grilled steak, medium, please.

Key to Exercise 4

 Exercise 5 : Repetition

¿Cuál es la sopa del día?

What is the soup of the day?

¿Cuál es la especialidad de este restaurante?

What is the specialty of this restaurant?

¿Cuál es el plato del día?

What is the special of the day?

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 Exercise 6 : Repetition

¿Cómo está la sopa?

How is the soup?

Está rica.

It's tasty.

¿Cómo está la merluza?

How is the hake?

Está muy buena.

It's very good.

¿Cómo están los callos?

How is the tripe?

Están muy ricos.

They are very tasty.

¿Cómo está el bacalao?

How is the dry cod?

Está muy bueno.

It's very good.

¿Cómo está la paella?

How is the paella?

Está muy rica.

It's very tasty.

¿Cómo está el lenguado?

How is the sole?

Está muy bueno.

It's very good.

¿Cómo están las chuletas?

How are the chops?

Están muy ricas.

They are very tasty.

¿Cómo está el filete?

How is the steak?

Está muy bueno.

It's very good.

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 Exercise 7 :

You hear: ¿Cómo está la sopa? - tasty

Say: Está rica.


You hear: ¿Cómo está el bacalao? - very good

Say: Está muy bueno.

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 Exercise 8 : Repetition

Tráiganos media botella de vino blanco.

Bring us half a bottle of white wine.

Tráigame una botella de vino tinto.

Bring me a bottle of red wine.

Tráiganos una botella de clarete.

Bring us a bottle of rosé

Traiga dos botellas de cerveza.

Bring two bottles of beer.

Traiga una jarra de sangría.

Bring a pitcher of sangria.

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 Exercise 9 : Say in Spanish

l. Bring me half a bottle of wine.

2. I would like a bottle of red wine.

3. Bring me a bottle of white wine.

4. Bring us a bottle of rosé.

5. Bring us two beers.

6. Bring us sangria.

Key to Exercise 9

 Exercise 10

Quisiera helado de fresa.

I would like strawberry ice cream.

Para mí, helado de vainilla.

For me, Vanilla ice cream.

Tráigame dos o tres pasteles de hojaldre.

Bring me two or three puff pastries.

Para la señora, naranja natural.

For the lady, fresh orange.

Quisiera manzana asada.

I would like baked apple.

Para el niño, natillas.

For the boy, custard.

Tráiganos flan.

Bring us flan.

Tráigame arroz con leche.

Bring me rice pudding.

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 Exercise 11 : 

You hear: strawberry ice cream

Say: Quisiera helado de fresa.

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 Exercise 12 : Repetition

Tráigame una taza de café.

Bring me a cup of coffee.

Quisiera café solo.

I would like black coffee.

Tráiganos dos tés.

Bring us two teas.

Para la señora, un té helado.

For the lady, iced tea.

Tráigame un chocolate.*

Bring me a [hot] chocolate.

Para el niño, un vaso de leche.

For the boy, a glass of milk

Para mí, un vaso de agua.

For me, a glass of water.

Tráiganos dos copas de vino blanco.

Bring us two glasses of white wine.

*Chocolate. Asking for chocolate in a cafe means "hot chocolate."

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 Exercise 13 : Say in Spanish

1. Bring me a cup of coffee.

2. For the lady, a glass of water.

3. For me, a glass of rosé.

4. Bring us two cups of tea.

5. For the boy, a cup of chocolate.

Key to Exercise 13

 Exercise 14 : Conversation for Listening Comprehension

Listen without looking at your text.



Buenas tardes. ¿Qué va a comer?

Teniente Brown:

Primero unos entremeses con media botella de clarete. Después... ¿Cuál es el plato del día?


Callos a la madrileña.

Teniente Brown:

¿Qué son callos a la madrileña?


Es tripa de ternera guisada con una salsa algo picante. Es un plato típico de  Madrid.

Teniente Brown:

Entonces, quisiera un cocido. Después, lenguado frito con media botella de vino blanco.



Teniente Brown:

¿Qué postres tienen?


Hay helado de fresa, de vainilla y de limón; fruta, queso, pasteles, flan y arroz con leche.

Teniente Brown:

Flan, por favor. Y café. Café solo.

 Key to Exercise 14


Comer: "to eat."

Tripa: "tripe."

Quisada: "cooked."

Salsa: "sauce."

Algo picante: "somewhat hot" or "spicy."

Key to Exercises

Key to Exercise 2

1. Para mí, ensaladilla.

For me, ensaladilla

2. Traiganos sopa de fideos.

Bring us noodle soup

3. Gazpacho para la señora y tortilla de patatas para mi.

Gazpacho for the lady and potato omelet for me.

4. Quisiera sopa de pescado.

I would like fish soup.

5. La Señora quisiera Caldo de gallina.

The lady would like chicken broth.

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Key to Exercise 4

1. Tráigame merluza frita.

Bring me fried hake.

2. Tráiganos chuletas de cerdo.

Bring us pork chops.

3. Lenguado frito para la Señora.

Fried sole for the lady.

4. Para mi, paella.

For mer Paella

5. Tráigame bacalao a la vizcaína.

Bring me dried cod, Bilbao Style.

6. Tráiganos dos filetes de ternera, bien asados.

Bring us two veal steak well-done.

7. Quisiera pimientos rellenos.

I would like stuffed peppers.

8. Tráigame un filete a la plancha, medio asado, por favor.

Bring me a grilled steak, medium, please

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Key to Exercise 9

1. Treigame media betella de vino.

Bring me half a bottle of  wine.

2. Quisiera une botella de vino tinto.

I would like a bottle of red wine.

3. Traígame una botella de vino blanco.

Bring me a bottle of white wine.

4. Traiganos una botella de clarete.

Bring us a bottle of rosé.

5. Traíganos dos cervezas.

Bring us two beers.

6. Traïganos sangría.

Bring us sangria.

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Key to Key to Exercise 13

1. Tráigame una taza de café.

Bring me a cup of coffee.

2. Para la señora un vaso de agua.

For the lady, a glass of water.

3. Para mí, una copa de clarete.

For me, a glass of rosé.

4. Tráiganos dos tazas de té.

Bring us two cups of tea.

5. Para el niño, una taza de chocolate.

For the boy, a cup of chocolate.

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Key to Exercise 14

Waiter: Good afternoon! What are you going to eat?

Lieutenant Brown: First some appetizers with half a bottle of rose. (later) What is the special of the day?

Waiter: Tripe, Madrid style.

Lieutenant Brown: What is tripe, Madrid style?

Waiter: It is veal tripe cooked with a somewhat spicy sauce. It's a dish typical of Madrid.

Lieutenant Brown: Then, I would like cocido. Later, fried sole with half a bottle of white wine.

Waiter: Dessert?

Lieutenant Brown: What desserts do you have?

Waiter: There's strawberry, vanilla, and lemon ice cream, fruit, cheese, pastries, flan, and rice pudding.

Lieutenant Brown: Flan, please. And coffee. Black coffee.

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