Getting around - Lesson 2 - Exercises:

¿Hay una gasolinera cerca de aquí?

(Is there a gas station near here?)

(photo by  José Miguel used under terms of Creative Commons license.)


Exercise 1          Exercise 2           Exercise 3         Exercise 4          Exercise 5        

Exercise 6          Exercise 7           Exercise 8         Exercise 9          Exercise 10      

 Exercise 1

You hear: un hotel

Say: ¿Hay un hotel cerca de aquí?


un restaurante

un motel

una gasolinera

un hotel


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 Exercise 2 : Repetition

¿Hay una gasolinera cerca de aquí?

Is there a gas station near here?

Si, hay una en la Calle Goya.

Yes, there is one on Goya Street.

¿Hay un restaurante cerca de aquí?

Is there a restaurant near here?

Sí, hay uno en la esquina.

Yes, there is one on the corner.

¿Hay un hotel cerca de aquí?

Is there a hotel near here?

Sí, hay uno en el Paseo de Rosales.

Yes, there is one on Rosales Boulevard.

¿Hay un aparcamiento cerca de aquí?

Is there a parking lot near here?

Sí, hay uno en el Corte Inglés.

Yes, there is one at the Corte Inglés (a chain of department store)

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un hotel

cerca de aquí?

No, no hay


una estación de



 Exercise 3

¿Hay un hotel cerca de aqui?

 Is there a hotel near here?

No, no hay ninguno.

No, there isn't one.

¿Hay una gasolinera cerca de aquí?

Is there a gas station near here?

No, no hay ninguna.

No, there isn't one.

¿Hay un aparcamiento cerca de aquí?

Is there a parking lot near here?

No, no hay ninguno.

No, there isn't One.

¿Hay una estación de autobuses cerca de aqui?

Is there a bus station near here?

No, no hay ninguna.

No, there isn't one.

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 Exercise 4 : Say in English

Key to Exercise 4

 Exercise 5: (unavailable)

 Exercise 6 : Repetition

Llene el depósito, por favor.

Fill the tank, please.

Póngame aceite, por favor.

Put oil in, please.

Póngame un litro de aceite, por favor.

Put a liter of oil in, please.

Necesito aceite.

I need oil.

Las llantas necesitan aire.

The tires need air.

La llanta izquierda necesita aire.

The left tire needs air.

La batería necesita agua.

The battery needs water.

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 Exercise 7 :

You hear: 30 liters of gasoline

Say: Póngame treinta litros de gasolina, por favor.


You hear: 1,000 pesetas

Say = Póngame mil pesetas, por favor.


10 liters of gasoline

one liter of oil

1,000 pesetas of gasoline

15 liters of gasoline

two liters of oil

500 pesetas of gasoline

Key to Exercise 7

 Exercise 8








Key to Exercise 8

 Exercise 9 :

l. Excuse me, officer; is there a bus station near here?

2. Not near here.

3. Where is America Avenue?

4. Fill the tank, please.

5. Put in oil for me, please.

6. The tires need air.

7. I need a battery.

8. Put in ten liters for me, please.

9. Put in one thousand pesetas of gas for me, please.

10. What do I owe you?

11. It needs water.

Key to Exercise 9

 Exercise 10 : Conversation for Listening Comprehension.

Listen without looking at your text.



¡Hola, Pedro! ¿Qué hay?


Ahí, tirando. ¿Cuánta te pongo?


Ponme mil pesetas.


¡Oye! Las gomas....


Sí. Necesitan aire. Y ponme un litro de aceite también.


Vale. Todo listo.


Gracias, hombre. ¿Qué te debo?


Mil doscientas.


Aquí tienes. Adiós.

 Key to Exercise 10


¡Hola!: "Hi" or "Hello"

¿Qué hay?: "How is it going?"

Ahí, tirando: "Getting along."

Ponme: "put in for me" (familiar)

Las gomas: "the tires," another word for llantas.

también: "also."

hombre: "man," is used here for emphasis.

Key to Exercises

Key to Exercise 4

At that corner, turn right.

En esa esquina, gire a la derecha. 

Continue straight ahead, and turn left at the gas station.

Sigan derecho y giren a la izquierda en la gasolinera.

Turn left at that corner.

Gire a la izquierda en esa esquina.

Then continue straight ahead until you find it.

Entonces, siga derecho hasta encontrarla.

Turn right at that corner and continue straight ahead.

Giren a la derecha en esa esquina y sigan derecho.

Turn right at the next corner and continue straight ahead to La Paz Avenue.

Gire a la derecha en la próxima y siga derecho hasta la Avenida de La Paz.

Turn left at that corner.

Giren a la izquierda en esa esquina.

Continue straight ahead to the traffic light and turn left.

Siga derecho hasta el semáforo y gire a la izquierda.

Continue straight ahead until you find it.

Siga derecho hasta encontrarlo.


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Key to Exercise 7

Póngame diez litros de gasolina, por favor.

Póngame un litro de aceite, por favor.

Póngame mil pesetas de gasolina, por favor.

Póngame quince litros de gasolina, por favor.

Póngame dos litros de aceite, por favor.

Póngame quinientas pesetas de gasolina, por favor.

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Key to Exercise 8


1. 1.200

5. 100

2. 250

6. 3.000

3. 2.300

7. 900

4. 470



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Key to Key to Exercise 9

1. Perdone, agente, ¿hay una estación de autobuses cerca de aquí?

Excuse me, officer, is there a bus station near here?

2. No cerca de aquí. OR Cerca de aquí, no.

Not near here.

3. ¿Dónde esta la avenida de América?

Where is America Avenue?

4. Llene el depósito, por favor.

Fill the tank, please.

5. Póngame aceite, por favor.

Put in oil for me, please.

6. Las llantas necesitan aire.

The tires need air.

7. Necesito una batería.

I need a battery.

8. Póngame diez litros, por favor.

Put in ten liters for me, please.

9. Póngame mil pesetas de gasolina, por favor.

Put in one thousand pesetas of gas for me, please.

10. ¿Qué le debo?

What do I owe you?

11. Necesita agua.

It needs water.


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Key to Exercise 10


Mario: Hi, Pete. How is it going?

Pedro: Getting along. How much [gas] do I put in?

Mario: Put in 1,000 pesetas for me.

Pedro: Listen! Your tires....

Mario: Yes. They need air. And put in a liter of oil also.

Pedro: OK. All done.

Mario: Thanks. What do I owe you?

Pedro: One thousand two hundred.

Mario: Here you are. So long.

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