Getting to know you - Lesson 1 - Exercises:

¿En qué trabaja tu marido?

(What does your husband do?)

(photo by  red5standingby used under terms of Creative Commons license.)
Saludos y Presentaciones


SITUATION 1: Your friend Pablo has changed jobs recently. How do you ask him what is he doing now?

SITUATION 2: How do you say: "I am a controller at the Zaragoza Base"?

SITUATION 3: How do you tell your friend that your wife is a nurse?

SITUATION 4: You would like to ask Mr. Alvarez where he works. What do you say to him?

SITUATION 5: Carla is talking about her husband. You assume that he is a pilot. What do you ask her to be sure?

SITUATION 6: You know that Jorge and María were married three years ago. How would you ask them if they have children?

SITUATION 7: How do you tell Mrs. Gutiérrez that you have two little girls?

SITUATION 8: How do you say to your host: "I am sorry, but we have to go"?

SITUATION 9: You and your friend Jaime have to go back to the base. How do you say to him: "Don't you think that it is time to go"?

SITUATION 10: You have been talking with Fabiola, and now she is leaving. How would you say to her: "Nice talking to you"?


Key to Self-evaluation quiz

1. ¿En qué trabajas ahora? / Pablo, ¿en qué trabajas ahora?

2. Soy controlador en la base de Zaragoza.

3. Mi mujer es enfermera.

4. ¿Dónde trabaja usted?

5. Tu marido es piloto, ¿verdad?

6. ¿Tenéis niños?

7. Tengo dos niñas.

8. Lo siento, pero tenemos que irnos.

9. Jaime, ¿no te parece que ya es hora de irnos?

10. Encantado de hablar contigo.

11. Don't you think that it's time to leave?  (¿No te parece que ya es hora de irnos?)

12. Let's hope we see each other soon. (A ver nos vemos pronto.)