Shopping - Lesson 2 - Conversation:

Enun Mercado al Aire Libre

(Inan Open-Air Market)

(photoby  Dorli Photography usedunder terms of Creative Commons license.)
mercado de san miguel



¿Cuántoquiere por esa mantelería?

How much do you want for thattable linen set?


Dos milquinientas pesetas.

Two thousand five hundredpesetas.


¿Por quétan cara?

Why so expensive?


Está hechaa mano. Además tiene doce servilletas.

It is handmade. Besides, it hastwelve napkins.


Me la dejaen dos mil, ¿no?

You will let me have it for twothousand, won't you?


No puedeser, señora; pero mire, esta otro vale dos mil. Es un poco más pequeña.

It cannot be, ma'am. But look,this other one costs two thousand. It's a little smaller.


Está bien.Y ¿cuánto vale ese cántaro?

All right. And, how much doesthat pitcher cost?


Seiscientascincuenta. Es de Talavera.

Six hundred and fifty. It's fromTalavera.


¿No mehace una rebajita?

Won't you give me a smalldiscount?


Bueno,lléveselo por seiscientas.

OK. Take it for six hundred.


Está bien.Entonces me llevo la mantelería y el cántaro.

OK. Then I will take the tablelinen set and the pitcher.


Notes on conversation

Streetmarkets as well as outdoorfood markets can be found in every Spanish city or town. Open once aweek,street markets display a large variety of items, among whichembroidered linensand pottery are some of the favorites. You may bargain in streetmarkets. Neverin stores.

Me la deja. Literally"Leave me it."

Es de Talavera. "[It] isfrom Talavera." Talavera is the name of a Spanishcity famous for its artistic ceramics.

¿Nome hace una rebajita?"Won'tyoumake me a small dis-


Lléveselo. "Take itwith you." se ("to you") is used insteadof le when followed by lo, la,or le.